Contact Information

Phone: (607) 387-3025
Fax: (607) 387-3026

Address for Billing and Contractual:

Attention: Jay VanDelden
34 Seneca Street
Trumansburg, NY 14886

Address for Sending Customer-Supplied Materials (Wafers, Masks, etc)

Attention: Jay VanDelden
Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF)
250 Duffield Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-2700

Note: DO NOT SEND any wet chemicals (or any other items that would ordinarily require an MSDS) to either of these addresses. If new wet materials (resist, polymers, etc) are required to be sent, they must be sent to a different address because of how chemicals are moved about and stored on campus. Please call or email for specific shipping instructions and be prepared with an MSDS