Getting Started

There are three things that you will need to get started on a project with ProtoMEMS:

  1. You must place a blanket Purchase Order with ProtoMEMS that includes a single line item description of the work to be done. If you received a Request for Quotation (RFQ) from ProtoMEMS, please reference the RFQ Number on the Purchase Order. This Purchase Order will be invoiced against at the end of each month. Any Purchase Orders received must comply with ProtoMEMS company policies.
  2. You must place a blanket Purchase Order with the Cornell Nanoscale Facility (the CNF) to cover the tool rental costs. This Purchase Order should be sent attention to: CNF Financial Manager ( Tool rental costs will be billed to you directly by Cornell at the end of each month.
  3. You must submit a Project Description Form (see blank pdf here) that describes, in a few simple sentences, what you plan to accomplish in the Cornell Nanoscale Facility. This form will ask you to confirm that ProtoMEMS personnel are authorized to utilize the CNF tools on your behalf. Once executed, this form can be sent attention to: CNF User Program Manager (